Go Daddy的客服还是不错的

想给这个博客设定一个定时备份的功能,所以安装了wp-database-backup这个插件,其中有一项功能是可以定时备份,并发给邮件给你。但是使用这个功能之前要开通Godaddy的邮箱服务,幸好我在买域名和空间的时候人家送了我许多免费的邮箱,所以就开通了一个试试,不过点击建立邮箱好久之后还在显示”Pending Setup: validating MX record”,忍不住给客服发了封邮件问问肿么回事:

I have just set up my Email account, but it is still showing “Pending Setup: validating MX record”. I want to know what should I do to finish it. Thank you very much. Looking forward your response.


After reviewing your account, the MX (Mail Exchanger) records are incorrect. While your email is hosted on our Asia-Pacific servers, the domain is configured to use our US based servers, which is causing the error with your mailbox. You will need to modify your MX Records to point to our Asia-Pacific servers.

To Update Your MX Records to the Asia-Pacific settings:
1. Log in to your Account Manager.
2. In the Products section, click Domains.
3. Click Launch.
4. In your list of domain names, click the domain name that contains the MX record you want to change.
5. On the Domain Details page, in the DNS Manager section, click the Launch hyperlink.
6. On the Zone File Editor page, in the MX (Mail Exchanger) section, hover over the MX record you want to modify and click the pencil icon.
7. In the Points to section, change to the following:
Priority 10: mailstore1.asia.secureserver.net
Priority 0: smtp.asia.secureserver.net
8. Click Save Zone File and then click OK

It can take up to 48 hours for those updates to propagate throughout the Internet. While we strive to make updates as quickly as possible, the DNS propagation time for your domain name depends on several factors that we cannot control.
Please let us know if we can help you in any other way.

不过我查了一下我的空间后,发现我的DNS Manager并不能打开,这是因为我已经把DNS解析的服务交给国内的DNSPOD了,好吧,看来邮箱也不能用了,不过还是要感谢人家回复的如此迅速以及详细滴。如果有谁也用Godaddy的邮箱服务的话不妨参考客服所作的回复进行修改。

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