Event log

7:00-8:00 Get up. Read some weibos. Clean. Prepare breakfast. Eat.

8:00-9:00 Drive to school with ZZ and Cheng Xue. Walk to Ag Bld. Drink a cup of coffee.
9:00-11:00 Write the progress report (70%).
11:00-12:00 Write the progress report (80%).
12:00-13:00 Have lunch. Read some RSS articles.
13:00-16:00 Write the progress report (90%).
16:00-18:00 Play Riptide GP. Watch some videos.
18:00-19:00 Drive home.
19:00-20:00 Cook and have dinner.
20:00-22:00 Edit the progress report (95%).
22:00-23:00 Buy some computer parts online.
23:00 Go to sleep

Event log

7:45-8:30 Get up and cook and have breakfast.

8:30-9:00 Drive to school and walk to Ag Bdg.
9:00-11:30 Write progress report.
11:30-12:00 Browse some web pages.
12:00-12:30 Lunch.
12:30-1:30 Browse some web pages.
1:30-4:30 FABS 457 lab.
4:30-5:30 Swim.
5:30-6:00 Play some cell phone games.
6:00-6:30 Drive home.
6:30-7:30 Cook and have dinner.
7:30-8:30 Play with some cell phone games.
8:30-9:00 Read some web article.
9:00-11:00 Write the progress report (60%).
11:00 Sleep.

Event log

07:15-8:00 Get up. Clean. Browse some weibos.

8:00-9:00 Drive to school. Have breakfast at tim hortons. Buy a psn gift card at place riel.
9:00-9:30 Browse some twitters.
9:30-12:00 Mark lab 2 reports.
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:30 Read some RSS articles, weibos, twitters.
1:30-4:00 Mark lab 2 report.
4:00-4:30 Go to post office to send my cell phone to the buyer.
4:30-5:30 Read something.
5:30-6:00 Drive home.
6:00-7:00 Cook and have dinner.
7:00-7:30 Shop at superstore.
7:30-8:30 Watch a new episode of strain.
8:30-12:00 Write progress report.

Event log

8:30-10:30 Get up. Have breakfast. Browse some Weibos, Twitters, RSS articles.

10:30-12:00 Write progress report.
12:30-2:00 Cook. Have lunch.
2:30-4:30 Write progress report.
4:30-6:30 Repair my bikes.
6:30-8:00 Cook dinner. Have dinner.
8:00-9:00 Browse some web pages.
9:00-11:00 Write some progress report (50%). Mark lab 2 report.
11:30 Go to bed.



Event log

6:30-7:30 Get up. Browse some Weibos, Twitters.
7:30-9:00 Read some RSS articles. Breakfast.
9:00-10:00 Prepare the lab 2 key of FABS 457.
10:00-11:00 Have a “brunch” at Dim Sum with ZZ, Sisi, Fanfan andHongye.
11:00:11:30 Drive home to pick up ZZ’s key and drive to school. Walk to Ag Bld.
11:30-12:30 Prepare the lab 2 key of FABS 457. Send it to Dr. Shand.
12:30-1:30 Swim at education pool.
1:30-2:30 Drink some soda, a cup of coffee. Read.
2:30-4:00 Write progress report. Read some web pages.
4:00-5:00 Drive to home.
5:00-6:30 Cook dinner. Eat.
6:30-7:30 Edit ebay item to sell.
8:00-10:30 Write progress report.
10:30 Sleep